E-Vietnam Travel Visa

E-Vietnam Travel Visa or visa arrival approval letter

It is so easy to get E-Vietnam Travel Visa or visa arrival approval letter for visa arrival ( get visa stamp at the international airport of Vietnam. 

Please check the list (80 countries) below , if your country is in the list, you just click the link here for E- Travel Visa to Vietnam. In case your country is not in the list just contact us - World Mate Travel , we can help you get Vetnam visa arrival.

80 Country list for E-Vietnam Travel Visa
N1 ICAO  Nation
01 AND Andorra
02 ARG Argentina
03 ARM Armenia
04 AUS Australia
05 AUT Austria
06 AZE Azerbaijan
07 BLR Belarus
08 BEL Belgium
09 BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina
10 BRA Brazil
11 BRN Bruney
12 BGR Bulgaria
13 CAN Canada
14 CHL Chile
15 CHN


  • Including Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR passport holders
  • Not apply to Chinese e-passport holders
16 COL Colombia
17 HRV Croatia
18 CUB Cuba
19 CYP Cyprus
20 CZE Czech Republic
21 DNK Denmark
22 EST Estonia
23 FJI Fiji
24 FIN Finland
25 FRA France
26 GEO Georgia
27 D Germany
28 GRC Greece
29 HUN Hungary
30 ISL Iceland
31 IND India
32 IRL Ireland
33 ITA Italy
34 JPN Japan
35 KAZ Kazakhstan
36 KOR Korea (South)
37 LVA Latvia
38 LIE Liechtenstein
39 LTU Lithuania
40 LUX Luxembourg
41 MKD Macedonia The former Yugoslav of
42 MLT Malta
43 MHL Marshall Islands
44 MEX Mexico
45 FSM Micronesia Federated States of
46 MDA Moldova
47 MCO Monaco
48 MNG Mongolia
49 MNE Montenegro
50 MMR Myanmar
51 NRU Nauru
52 NLD Netherland
53  NZL New Zealand
54 NOR Norway
55 PLW Palau
56 PAN Panama
57 PNG Papua New Guinea
58 PER Peru
59 PHL Philippines
60 POL Poland
61 PRT Portugal
62 QAT Qatar
63 ROU Romania
64 RUS Russia
65 WSM Samoa
66 SMR San Marino
67 SRB Serbia
68 SVK Slovakia
69 SVN Slovenia
70 SLB Solomon Islands
71 ESP Spain
72 SWE Sweden
73 CHE Switzerland
74 TLS Timor Leste
75 ARE United Arab Emirates
76 GBR United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
77 USA United States of America
78 URY Uruguay
79  VUT Vanuatu
80  VEN Venezuela


25 Country citizens can travel Vietnam without Travel Visa

No. Country Maximum visa-free duration Applicable purpose of visit (if any)
1 Chile 90 days Entries that do not include remunerated activities
2 Panama 90 days Entries that do not include remunerated activities
3 Cambodia 30 days Not mentioned
4 Indonesia 30 days Not mentioned
5 Kyrgyzstan 30 days Not mentioned
6 Laos 30 days Not mentioned
7 Malaysia 30 days Tourism, attending press, conference/coverage, official duty, visiting relatives, business negotiation, investment, sports, or attending seminars or conferences
8 Singapore 30 days Entries that do not include remunerated activities
9 Thailand 30 days Not mentioned
10 Philippines 21 days Not mentioned
11 Brunei 14 days Not mentioned
12 Myanmar 14 days Visiting only
13 Belarus 15 days Not mentioned
14 Denmark 15 days Not mentioned
15 Finland 15 days Not mentioned
13 France 15 days Not mentioned
17 Germany 15 days Not mentioned
18 Italy 15 days Not mentioned
19 Japan 15 days Not mentioned
20 Norway 15 days Not mentioned
21 Russia 15 days Not mentioned
22 South Korea 15 days Not mentioned
23 Spain 15 days Not mentioned
24 Sweden 15 days Not mentioned
25 United Kingdom (Not applicable to BNO) 15 days Not mentioned


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